Linux Command – cal

What it does : Displays the calendar  of the current month.

You can even specify the year or the month.



Now here is something interesting. Checkout September in the example given below.

Find out why that happened by referring the man page of cal.

Thanks to Anish Chandran Sir for showing this to me 🙂

Linux Commands – File Operations

Command : cp <source> <destination>

What it does: Copies source file or directory to destination.

Command : mv <source> <destination>

What it does: Moves source file or directory to destination.

Command : rm <file>

What it does: Removes the file or directory.

Command : mkdir <dir>

What it does : Makes a directory named <dir>.

Command : rmdir <dir>

What it does: Removes <dir> if empty.


bios@bios-mac-7:~$ cd ./Vishnu\ RKM/
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ ls
error.png       plugin prob.odt        terminal_eror.png
lock error.png  suggested plugins.png
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ mkdir backup
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ ls
backup     lock error.png   suggested plugins.png
error.png  plugin prob.odt  terminal_eror.png
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ cp plugin\ prob.odt ./backup/
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ ls
backup     lock error.png   suggested plugins.png
error.png  plugin prob.odt  terminal_eror.png
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ cd ./backup/
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM/backup$ ls
plugin prob.odt
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM/backup$ cd ./..
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ rmdir backup/
rmdir: failed to remove `backup/': Directory not empty
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ cd ./backup/
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM/backup$ rm plugin\ prob.odt
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM/backup$ ls
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM/backup$ cd ./..
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ rmdir backup/
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ ls
error.png       plugin prob.odt        terminal_eror.png
lock error.png  suggested plugins.png
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ mkdir pics
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ cp *.png ./pics/
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ rm *.png
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ ls
pics  plugin prob.odt
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ cd ./pics/
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM/pics$ ls
error.png  lock error.png  suggested plugins.png  terminal_eror.png
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM/pics$ cd ./..
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ mkdir files
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ ls
files  pics  plugin prob.odt
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ mv plugin\ prob.odt ./files/
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ ls
files  pics
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ mkdir temp
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ ls
files  pics  temp
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ rmdir temp
bios@bios-mac-7:~/Vishnu RKM$ ls
files  pics

Linux Command – man

What it does: Displays the manual page of a command.

To exit form manual page, press q.

If you need to know more about a command, all you have to do is type “man <command>” and press enter

Try man man to know more about man 🙂

bios@bios-11:~$ man man

Manual pages are really big so I’m not adding the page to my blog. Try em out.

How to add a Cluster Map to your WordPress blog???

A cluster map helps you know the location of your blog visitors. Its just an advanced hit counter. doesn’t allow external plug-ins. So, at first I was confused on how to put a cluster map in my blog. After some googling I finally did it. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Create a cluster map for your blog at ClustrMaps.
  2. Once you make a map for your blog, they’ll give you a small html code which is to be inserted in your blog.
  3. Add Text plug-in to your blog. You’ll find it in your wordpress dashboard <Appearance >> Widgets>.
  4. Paste the given html code in your Text plug-in and save it.

It could take a day for the map to be active.

The html code provided will look something like this:

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Locations of visitors to this page" />